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The hydroponic system is the very equipment that is used in hydroponics. Such systems make it possible to grow plants at home, to achieve a high yield. You can also buy them from us, in a specialized store where a variety of types of such systems are sold.

Hydroponic systems are used very widely both at home and at work.
Their main advantage is that you do not need to water the plants if you use them. They themselves provide the root system with water and all the necessary components that are needed for growth and development.
The most famous are deep-sea diving systems. They provide for the placement of the root system in a special solution that contains all the necessary nutrients. Moreover, the level and aeration of this solution are controlled without human intervention. In addition to them, drip irrigation systems Drip systems, the NFT nutrient layer are used. aerohydroponic systems can be used, in which 2 plant cultivation campaigns are connected at once.  
The use of such systems makes it possible to ensure the best nutrition of plants. They are also convenient to operate without unnecessary difficulties.

Product range:
You can buy different types of such systems from us, including:
AquaPot – Russian production. They are used for growing without using soil, models with the exception of the most basic AquaPot One model (which only works on the deep-water DWC method) combined DWC and drip irrigation.
AutoPot– systems that have become the benchmark in this industry, the rest of the systems were based on AutoPot during development.
GNE hydroponic systems – American-French systems that can be used at home and in industrial conditions.
Home garden– systems similar to the American Aerogarden, but made in Russia and not inferior in quality and efficiency for growing plants at home, which have excellent decorative properties, installations not only grow but also delight the eye.
Systems for rooting seedlings, seed germiners -such as, for example, a Health treasure – are the best option for germinating grains and cuttings. 
Thus, using these systems, you can achieve impressive results in a variety of conditions with a minimum of costs.