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Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 300 ml

Product code for ordering by phone or messengers: gt000129

Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 300 ml

Product code for ordering by phone or messengers: gt000129


Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 300 ml

Ionic Cal Mag Pro is a concentrated plant supplement formulated specifically to keep the plant in a healthy form. The calcium-magnesium complex will help your plants with a shortage of these elements, this is a fairly common problem. Chelated calcium and iron are very effectively absorbed by plants. For many plants, it is very important that a sufficient amount of calcium is present in the nutrient medium. Use this product as a permanent supplement to nutrients to avoid slowing down off-season growth, yellowing or pale leaves, lack of power in the plant. Ionic Cal-Mag Pro is more than just a calcium-magnesium supplement, it is created as a nutritional complex consisting of three groups of ingredients for healthy plant growth.

Mineral elements:

  • Calcium and magnesium for rapid growth (including chelated calcium, which is better absorbed by plants)
  • Chelated iron to prevent possible deficiency
Organic ingredients:

  • Specific amino acids in bioactive L-form to accelerate absorption and photosynthesis. For example, glycine and glutamate acid
Seaweed extracts:

  • Increase plant resistance to pests and diseases
  • Protect plants from stress
Dosage: 1 ml per liter
Volume: 300 ml
The country of origin is England. The shelf life is 3 years.
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Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 300 ml