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BIO KICK - organic stimulator for foliar feeding

Product code for ordering by phone or messengers: mk000141

BIO KICK - organic stimulator for foliar feeding

Product code for ordering by phone or messengers: mk000141


BIO KICK - organic stimulator for foliar feeding

Biopreparation on a coniferous basis.
Natural growth stimulant and fungicide.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is used at all stages of plant life: from seed to the final stage of flowering.
Pre-sowing seed treatment increases the percentage of germination and strengthens the immune system of young plants, reduces the risk of infection with fungal and bacterial infections. During the growing season, the drug allows plants to better absorb nutrients, improves metabolism and increases stress resistance. During flowering, it allows plants to accumulate sugar in the pulp of fruits, increases the amount of vitamins contained in plants, increases productivity.
The smell of conifers repels pests: conifers contain terpenes, they help in the fight against parasites
The drug is compatible with other herbicides and fungicides.

Composition and properties:
BIO KICK is an exclusively organic preparation and contains a concentrated extract from coniferous plants, as evidenced by its pronounced smell. Safety class: 3 (moderately dangerous drug). It is necessary to observe the requirements and precautions according to San Pin 1.2.1077-01. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment for the skin, eyes and respiratory organs. Do not allow the drug to enter the body through the respiratory organs and mucous membrane.

Method of application:
Dilute in a ratio of 1:1000 (1 ml per 1L);
Spray the plants with a ready-made solution (you can not water the plants under the root);
The diluted solution is stored for no more than 3 days
Do not apply more than 4 times during the entire life cycle of the plant.
The result of application becomes noticeable on 4-6 days after treatment.
Shelf life of the drug: 2 years.
Store in a cool dark place

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BIO KICK - organic stimulator for foliar feeding