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DualPart Set SW (for soft water)

Product code for ordering by phone or messengers: g000774-n

DualPart Set SW (for soft water)

Product code for ordering by phone or messengers: g000774-n


DualPart Set SW (for soft water)

The set includes: DualPart Grow SW - 1 pc. DualPart Bloom - 1 pc. DualPart is a mineral two—component concentrated fertilizer for fast-growing plants with a clear difference in growth and flowering needs. It contains bioactive additives and stimulants that improve plant health in general, help to better absorb nutrients and better resist the effects of pathogens and insects. DualPart Grow SW stimulates growth and structural development, as well as the development of a rich root system. Designed specifically for hard water. DualPart Bloom prepares the plant for abundant flowering, provides all the necessary nutrients. Allows you to use the genetic potential of the plant to its full potential. Made in France.
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DualPart Set SW (for soft water)